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Conditions of Participation


1. An enterprise must have an official legal form, such as a Société Anonyme (SA), a Limited Liability Company, a Private Equity Company, a General Partnership or a Joint Venture, or be an individual enterprise. To demonstrate that the above requirement is met, businesses must electronically submit, together with the submission of their business proposal, the following documents:

(a) Last codified statute (for personal and capital companies)

(b) Certificate of commencement of activity by a tax authority (for sole proprietorships)

2. An enterprise should have a minimum operating period of one year from the official date of establishment (or start of a business activity for sole proprietors).

3. An enterprise must have filed at least one financial statement (based on the legal form of the business).

4. An enterprise should have an annual turnover in the last financial year of at least € 20,000 and a maximum of € 500,000. To prove compliance with the above conditions enterprises must electronically submit along with the submission of their business proposal the following documents:

(a) for candidate SA, LLC, PCC, a copy of the annual financial statements published in the General Commercial Register of the last fiscal year for which the legal deadline for approval and publication has expired is submitted. In any case, the financial statements should not concern a use that is more than two (2) years from the date of submission of the supporting documents.

(b) for candidate general partnership or limited partnership, a declaration signed by the manager / legal representative and the professional responsible for the annual turnover of the previous year.

5. Not be bankrupt, liquidated or enforced and no application has been made for the commencement of such procedures. To prove that the above requirement has been met, enterprises must submit to the approval committee the following documents: (a) Certificate of non-filing of bankruptcy proceedings issued by the competent Court of First Instance, (b) Certificate of non-bankruptcy, non-liquidation and non-mandatory management, issued by the General Business Register.

6. Have a prototype product or service available for presentation (beta public version / product prototype version).